Trekking tours do's and don'ts


Do research the trekking route, including difficulty level, weather conditions, and necessary permits or permissions.

Do pack appropriate gear and clothing, including sturdy hiking boots, layered clothing for varying weather conditions, a map or GPS device, plenty of water, snacks, and a first aid kit.

Do inform someone of your trekking plans, including your expected route and return time.

Do follow Leave No Trace principles to minimize your impact on the environment.

Do listen to your guide's instructions and adhere to safety guidelines at all times.

Do pace yourself and take breaks when needed to avoid exhaustion or injury.

Do stay hydrated and replenish electrolytes during your trek.

Do respect local customs, cultures, and wildlife during your trekking experience.


Don't underestimate the difficulty of the trek or overestimate your abilities.

Don't venture off the designated trail, as this can lead to getting lost or causing environmental damage.

Don't ignore signs of altitude sickness or other health issues. Seek help if you experience symptoms.

Don't litter or leave any trash behind. Pack out all waste and dispose of it properly.

Don't disturb wildlife or remove any plants or rocks from the environment.

Don't rely solely on technology such as GPS devices or smartphones. Carry physical maps and compasses as backups.

Don't trek alone in unfamiliar or remote areas, especially if you're inexperienced.

Don't ignore weather forecasts or warnings. Be prepared for changing weather conditions and adjust your plans accordingly.