Tandem paragliding Do's and Dont's

Tandem paragliding can be exhilarating, but it's essential to prioritize safety. Here are some do's and don'ts:


1. Listen to your instructor: They'll provide important instructions on how to take off, land, and maneuver during the flight. Pay close attention and follow their guidance.

2. Wear appropriate gear: Make sure you're wearing comfortable clothing suitable for the weather conditions. Your instructor will provide you with a helmet and harness, which you should wear properly.

3. Ask questions: If you're unsure about anything, don't hesitate to ask your instructor. It's better to clarify doubts before taking off.

4. Stay relaxed: Paragliding can be nerve-wracking, especially if it's your first time. Try to stay calm and enjoy the experience.

5. Follow safety protocols: Be mindful of safety procedures, including checking equipment before takeoff and following the landing instructions provided by your instructor.


1. Don't panic: If you feel nervous during the flight, try to remain calm and trust your instructor. Panicking can make the situation worse.

2. Don't make sudden movements: Avoid making sudden movements or shifting your weight unpredictably, as it can affect the stability of the paraglider.

3. Don't interfere with the equipment: Avoid touching any of the paragliding equipment unless instructed to do so by your instructor. Mishandling the gear can lead to accidents.

4. Don't attempt maneuvers on your own: Leave the flying and maneuvering to your instructor. Trying to take control without proper training can be dangerous.

5. Don't ignore weather conditions: Paragliding should only be done in suitable weather conditions. If the weather is unfavorable, don't attempt to fly.

Remember, tandem paragliding is meant to be a thrilling and safe experience when done with a qualified instructor. By following these do's and don'ts, you can ensure a memorable and enjoyable flight.