Adventure tours Dos and Don'ts

Do's and Don'ts for adventure tours can vary depending on the type of adventure you're undertaking, but here are some general guidelines:


Research: Understand the type of adventure you're on, the terrain, weather conditions, and any potential risks involved.

Prepare: Pack appropriate clothing, gear, and supplies for the adventure. This might include proper footwear, water, snacks, navigation tools, first aid kit, etc.

Follow instructions: Listen carefully to your tour guide or instructor's advice and instructions, especially regarding safety protocols and techniques.

Stay hydrated and nourished: Drink plenty of water and eat regularly to maintain energy levels during the tour.

Respect nature: Leave no trace by disposing of waste properly and respecting wildlife and natural habitats.

Stay together: Stick with your group and follow the designated route to avoid getting lost or separated.

Stay within your limits: Know your physical abilities and don't push yourself beyond your limits, especially in challenging environments.


Ignore safety precautions: Avoid taking unnecessary risks or deviating from safety guidelines provided by your guide or instructor.

Litter: Always pack out what you pack in and avoid leaving any trash behind.

Disobey rules: Respect any rules or regulations set by authorities or tour operators, such as restricted areas or prohibited activities.

Underestimate the terrain: Be aware of the terrain's difficulty level and potential hazards, and don't underestimate the challenges it presents.

Separate from the group: Stay together with your group to ensure everyone's safety and to avoid getting lost or encountering difficulties alone.

Overexert yourself: Pace yourself and take breaks as needed to avoid exhaustion or injury.

Ignore weather warnings: Pay attention to weather forecasts and heed any warnings or advisories, adjusting your plans accordingly if necessary.

By following these dos and don'ts, you can have a safer and more enjoyable adventure tour experience.