River rafting do's and dont's

When it comes to river rafting, safety should always be a top priority. Here are some dos and don'ts to keep in mind:



Do wear appropriate safety gear, including a helmet and a properly fitting life jacket.

Do listen
carefully to your guide's instructions before and during the rafting trip.

Do paddle
as a team and communicate effectively with your fellow rafters.

Do maintain a proper seating position in the raft, keeping your feet inside and holding onto the handles or ropes as instructed.

Do stay
calm and composed if the raft capsizes. Follow your guide's directions for getting back into the raft or floating downstream safely.

Do dress
appropriately for the weather conditions, wearing quick-drying clothing and sturdy footwear.

Do stay
hydrated and apply sunscreen regularly, especially on sunny days.

Do inform
your guide about any medical conditions or concerns you may have before starting the trip.



Don't underestimate the power of the river. Always respect the water and its currents.

Don't stand up in the raft unless instructed to do so by your guide.

Don't panic
if you fall out of the raft. Trust your guide and follow their instructions for self-rescue or retrieval by the safety kayak.

Don't consume
alcohol or drugs before or during the rafting trip.

Don't bring
valuable items or electronics with you on the raft, as they could get lost or damaged.

Don't ignore
any safety briefings or warnings provided by your guide.

Don't litter.
Keep the river and its surroundings clean by disposing of trash properly.

Don't exceed
your skill level or choose a rafting route that is beyond your abilities. Always select a trip that matches your experience and fitness level.


Following these dos and don'ts will help ensure a safe and enjoyable river rafting experience for you and your fellow adventurers.