Camping do's

Plan ahead: Research the location, weather, and regulations beforehand.
Pack essentials: Bring appropriate clothing, food, water, shelter, and first aid supplies.
Follow Leave No Trace principles: Minimize your impact on the environment by packing out all trash and leaving nature as you found it.
Set up camp responsibly: Choose a durable surface, such as established campsites, to pitch your tent and build fires.
Practice fire safety: Build fires in designated areas, keep them small, and fully extinguish them before leaving.
Respect wildlife: Keep a safe distance, store food properly, and never feed wild animals.
Stay hydrated and well-fed: Drink plenty of water and consume nutritious meals to maintain energy levels.
Be mindful of noise: Respect quiet hours to allow others to enjoy nature.
Be prepared for emergencies: Have a first aid kit, communication devices, and knowledge of basic survival skills.
Leave nature untouched: Avoid picking flowers, damaging trees, or disturbing natural habitats.

Camping don'ts

 Litter: Never leave trash behind. Pack out all waste, including food scraps and biodegradable items.

Harm wildlife: Avoid feeding, chasing, or approaching animals. Keep food stored securely to prevent wildlife encounters.
Ignore fire regulations: Always follow fire regulations and restrictions. Never leave a fire unattended, and ensure it's completely extinguished before leaving.
Disrupt others: Respect the peace and quiet of fellow campers. Keep noise levels down, especially during quiet hours.
Damage nature: Avoid carving into trees, defacing rocks, or damaging vegetation.
Camp in undesignated areas: Stick to designated campsites to minimize environmental impact and preserve natural habitats.
Leave a fire unattended: Always monitor fires closely and fully extinguish them before leaving or going to sleep.
Waste water: Use water sparingly and avoid contaminating natural water sources with soap or waste.
Overpack: Bring only what you need to minimize waste and lighten your load.
Forget safety: Always prioritize safety by being aware of your surroundings, preparing for emergencies, and following safety guidelines.

Following these dos and don'ts will help ensure a safe, enjoyable, and responsible camping experience for you and the environment.